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  • Cartilhas | COVIDPsiq

    COVIDPSIQ GUIDELINES Mental health promotion booklets The Post Traumatic Violence and Stress Assistance Program (PROVE) produced some videos about the pandemic and mental health, learn more on the website. THE PROVE is an outpatient service of the Department of Psychiatry of the Escola Paulista de Medicina, which is part of the Federal University of São Paulo. It serves children, youth and adults who have developed Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) after an event or experience of extreme violence. It aims to assist people diagnosed with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) in a multidisciplinary way. With brief clinical, psychotherapeutic and psycho-educational follow-up. Aiming at the functional recovery of each individual within their particularities. Click here to access it Handbook for coping with stress in times of a pandemic ​ In the current situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is common to have negative feelings and emotions, such as fear, sadness, anger and loneliness, as well as anxiety and stress. The excess of news about the pandemic, the change in routine, physical distancing, and the economic, social and political consequences related to this new scenario can increase or prolong this emotional discomfort. In that regard, researchers and students of Postgraduate in Psychology gives PUCRS and the PUC-Campinas They joined with the aim of helping people to deal with this emotional discomfort, giving rise to the Task force PsiCOVIDa. The Brazilian Society of Pediatrics has prepared guidelines regarding COVID-19 in children, addressing topics such as: prevention, conduct when someone in the family is infected and how to talk to children about the pandemic. To access the booklet click here. During the suspension of academic and administrative activities, the Federal University of Santa Maria offers several services and tips for students and servers. Topics include study tips, cultural tips, mental health care and distance psychological support. ​ For more information, click here. Collaborating researchers at the Center for Studies and Research in Emergencies and Disasters in Health (Cepedes/Fiocruz) produced three booklets that bring together mental health recommendations in the pandemic: ​ 1) The first document, with general recommendations , warns that, although psychological problems are common in the current situation, not all of them are, in fact, diseases. Therefore, people should be aware: when symptoms persist, suffering is intense and begins to cause profound difficulties in daily life, it is time to seek specialized service and attention. However, it is often possible to prevent the risk of more serious complications through psychological care strategies, which begin by “recognising and accepting their fears and fears” and also include “keeping the socio-affective network active, establishing contact, even if virtual". Access this booklet by clicking here . ​ 2) The second document is aimed at managers and health professionals . The various intervention strategies in mental health and psychosocial care stand out, which can and should be implemented before, during and after the epidemic. Access this booklet by clicking here . ​ 3) The third document addresses children's relationship with the pandemic . “Isolation cannot be configured as an experience of abandonment; therefore, the emphasis on the playful dimension of contacts, providing, whenever possible, some form of play.'' Access this booklet by clicking here. ​

  • Projeto | COVIDPsiq

    PROJECT Technical information For more information, access the full research project: RESEARCH PROJECT RESEARCH PROJECT ABSTRACT In view of the evolution of the pandemic by COVID-19 in Brazil, and the adoption of social restriction measures, an increase in cases of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety disorders and depression is expected. In epidemic situations, mental health services can become overwhelmed; however, it is not known how these disorders evolved over time. This study aims to monitor the evolution of PTSD symptoms, anxiety and depression during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazilians, and to investigate sociodemographic risk factors related to psychiatric history and contagion, as well as maladaptive personality traits and post-traumatic growth . It will be a longitudinal study, carried out through online questionnaires, with a sample of non-probabilistic convenience. The inclusion criteria are: being born in Brazil or residing in Brazilian territory; being over 18; have access to digital devices; and be literate. A sample of at least 2000 people is expected. The instruments applied are a research questionnaire, the Posttraumatic Checklist 5 (PCL-5), the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21), the Personality Inventory for the DSM-5 - brief form (PID-5-BF ), and the Post-Traumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI). The study will be carried out in four stages: entry, one month, three months, and six months after. The study has voluntary participation, with the agreement through the Free and Informed Consent Form. Data collection will be carried out in 2020, and the study will be completed in 2021. It will be financed with its own resources, and incentives will be sought through the agencies that promote research. Keywords: Pandemics; Psychological stress; Depression; Posttraumatic Stress Disorder; Anxiety Disorders. OBJECTIVES General Monitor the evolution of PTSD symptoms, depression and anxiety in a sample of Brazilians, during the COVID-19 pandemic, and identify sociodemographic risk factors and those related to maladaptive personality traits. ​ Specific Identify patterns of evolution (trajectories) of PTSD symptoms; Document and report in real time the sample prevalence and severity of PTSD symptoms at the beginning, during, and in the decline of the pandemic; To verify sociodemographic risk factors and those related to maladaptive personality traits associated with PTSD symptom trajectories; Check the stability of the maladaptive personality traits during the pandemic, that is, verify that these traits remain stable even during life events, or not; Relate symptoms with variables attributed to exposure to COVID19, such as contact with cases, having contracted the disease, being in regions with high incidence, being quarantined / socially isolated and others; Compare symptoms presented by professionals who were unable to quarantine during the indicated period (professionals in essential areas, such as health, cleaning, food, delivery, etc.), with individuals who were quarantined; Relate post-traumatic growth to PTSD trajectories and personality traits. HYPOTHESES Bearing in mind that the COVID-19 pandemic is in full evolution in Brazil and in the world, and the moment in time that the country is in, this study brings the following hypotheses: H1: There are at least four trajectories of PTSD symptoms, identified over 6 months of evolution: little symptomatic (resistant), rapid recovery (resilient), gradual growth, and chronic. H2: The trajectories of more severe symptoms are associated with worse sociodemographic indicators (unemployment, being single, low income, etc.) H3: Personality traits, such as negative affectivity, disinhibition and psychoticism are associated with worse symptom evolution. H4: Post-traumatic growth, six months after the beginning of the study, is negatively associated with negative affectivity and detachment; and positively associated with psychoticism. H5: The maladaptive personality traits remain stable for six months of evolution, on the resistant and resilient trajectory. REGISTRATION INFORMATION Project: Monitoring the evolution of post-traumatic symptoms, depression and anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazilians Researcher in charge: Dr. Vitor Crestani Calegaro (CRM 31676 - RQE 25478) Institution / Department: Federal University of Santa Maria / Department of Neuropsychiatry Registration number: 053991 This research was evaluated by the National Research Ethics Commission (CONEP) , CAAE 30420620.5.0000.5346. We are a family owned and operated business. Financing: this project is being funded by the researchers' own resources. Contact

  • Próximas etapas | COVIDPsiq

    Novas etapas da pesquisa COVIDPsiq ​Essa é a sua página Sobre. É uma ótima oportunidade para contar sua história, o que você faz e o que seu site tem a oferecer. Clique duas vezes na caixa de texto para começar a editar seu conteúdo e certifique-se de adicionar todos os dados relevantes que deseja compartilhar. Por quê? ​Esse é um parágrafo. Clique em "Editar Texto" ou clique duas vezes na caixa de texto para começar a editar o conteúdo e adicionar as informações que deseja compartilhar com seus visitantes. O que mudou? ​Esse é um parágrafo. Clique em "Editar Texto" ou clique duas vezes na caixa de texto para editar o conteúdo e adicionar as informações que deseja compartilhar com seus visitantes.

  • Pesquisa | COVIDPsiq

    Compartilhar RESEARCH Monitoring the evolution of post-traumatic symptoms, depression and anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazilians WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE STUDY? During epidemic situations, there is an increase in psychological distress, related to the possibility of illness, death, infection to other people, social isolation and economic losses. However, the focus of research has been on combating the infectious agent, but mental health issues have been neglected. This study aims to investigate the evolution of symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and anxiety in Brazilian individuals during the COVID pandemic19, as well as associated risk factors. This seeks to document the increase in needs for mental health care, in order to provide subsidies for the planning and creation of services, at government or private level, to alleviate the resulting suffering. WHO CAN PARTICIPATE? Anyone residing in Brazil, or a Brazilian living abroad, can participate. In the study, people will be grouped according to their occupation, including: We are a family owned and operated business. HEALTH PROFESSIONALS STUDENTS ESSENTIAL SERVICE WORKERS NON-ESSENTIAL SERVICE WORKERS RETIREES AND PENSIONERS HOW WILL THE STUDY BE? Participation in the study consists of answering online questionnaires, which will include several questions about the mental and emotional situation in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. The questionnaires will be applied in four moments: initial questionnaire, one month, three months and six months from the period of application of the first questionnaire. The questionnaires will be answered anonymously; however, an email address will be requested to enable the survey to be followed. Project Who we are I want to participate

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    Faltam poucos dias para a quinta etapa da pesquisa Estamos realizando os preparativos finais para a nova etapa da pesquisa. Aproveite para conhecer o novo site e conferir as novidades!

  • Partner Searches | COVIDPsiq

    Partner Research How does the coronavirus (COVID-19) impact your mental health? The Covid-19 pandemic scenario and the adoption of restrictive measures tend to impact mental health. These repercussions are targets for analysis by several researchers. So, we invite you to participate in the research “How does the coronavirus (COVID-19) impact your mental health?”, Which is being carried out by a research group from UFRGS, USP, University of Texas and University of Alberta. How does the coronavirus (COVID-19) impact your mental health? The Covid-19 pandemic scenario and the adoption of restrictive measures tend to impact mental health. These repercussions are targets for analysis by several researchers. So, we invite you to participate in the research “How does the coronavirus (COVID-19) impact your mental health?”, Which is being carried out by a research group from UFRGS, USP, University of Texas and University of Alberta. Questionnaire link How does the coronavirus (COVID-19) impact your mental health? The Covid-19 pandemic scenario and the adoption of restrictive measures tend to impact mental health. These repercussions are targets for analysis by several researchers. So, we invite you to participate in the research “How does the coronavirus (COVID-19) impact your mental health?”, Which is being carried out by a research group from UFRGS, USP, University of Texas and University of Alberta. Questionnaire link How does the coronavirus (COVID-19) impact your mental health? The Covid-19 pandemic scenario and the adoption of restrictive measures tend to impact mental health. These repercussions are targets for analysis by several researchers. So, we invite you to participate in the research “How does the coronavirus (COVID-19) impact your mental health?”, Which is being carried out by a research group from UFRGS, USP, University of Texas and University of Alberta. Health Professionals in Pandemic The context of the pandemic can increase levels of stress, exhaustion and emotional distress in healthcare professionals. By answering this survey, you are helping to identify risk factors. Their participation is essential so that preventive actions can be implemented, in order to reduce the risk of emotional illness. Participate!

  • Projetos | COVIDPsiq


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