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The Post Traumatic Violence and Stress Assistance Program (PROVE) produced some videos about the  pandemic and mental health, learn more on the website.

THE  PROVE  is an outpatient service of the Department of Psychiatry of the Escola Paulista de Medicina, which is part of the Federal University of São Paulo. It serves children, youth and adults who have developed Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) after an event or experience of extreme violence. It aims to assist people diagnosed with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) in a multidisciplinary way.  With brief clinical, psychotherapeutic and psycho-educational follow-up. Aiming at the functional recovery of each individual within their particularities.

Handbook for coping with stress in times of a pandemic

In the current situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is common to have negative feelings and emotions, such as fear, sadness, anger and loneliness, as well as anxiety and stress. The excess of news about the pandemic, the change in routine, physical distancing, and the economic, social and political consequences related to this new scenario can increase or prolong this emotional discomfort. In that regard,   researchers  and students of  Postgraduate in Psychology  gives  PUCRS and the  PUC-Campinas  They joined  with the aim of helping  people  to deal  with this emotional discomfort, giving rise to the  Task force  PsiCOVIDa.

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Happy children

The Brazilian Society of Pediatrics has prepared guidelines regarding COVID-19 in children, addressing topics such as: prevention, conduct when someone in the family is infected and how to talk to children about the pandemic. To access the booklet click here.

During the suspension of academic and administrative activities, the Federal University of Santa Maria offers several services and tips for students and servers.


Topics include study tips, cultural tips, mental health care and distance psychological support.

For more information, click here.

Collaborating researchers at the Center for Studies and Research in Emergencies and Disasters in Health (Cepedes/Fiocruz) produced three booklets that bring together mental health recommendations in the pandemic:

1)  The first document, with general recommendations , warns that, although psychological problems are common in the current situation, not all of them are, in fact, diseases. Therefore, people should be aware: when symptoms persist, suffering is intense and begins to cause profound difficulties in daily life, it is time to seek specialized service and attention. However, it is often possible to prevent the risk of more serious complications through psychological care strategies, which begin by “recognising and accepting their fears and fears” and also include “keeping the socio-affective network active, establishing contact, even if virtual". Access this booklet by clicking here .

2) The second document is aimed at managers and health professionals . The various intervention strategies in mental health and psychosocial care stand out, which can and should be implemented before, during and after the epidemic.  Access this booklet by clicking here .

3)  The third document addresses children's relationship with the pandemic .  “Isolation cannot be configured as an experience of abandonment; therefore, the emphasis on the playful dimension of contacts, providing, whenever possible, some form of play.''  Access this booklet by clicking here.

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