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In view of the calamity situation in which we find ourselves, several entities in Rio Grande do Sul that work in mental health are offering mental health care to health professionals and the general population.


The TelePSI Project is an initiative of the Ministry of Health in partnership with the Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre.

Offers psychological and psychiatric teleconsultation to manage stress, anxiety, depression and irritability.

Health professionals, health students who are doing any professional practice, teachers of all levels of education and professionals in essential services can use this service.

We are a family owned and operated business.

At first, the attendant will explain the project and assess the mental health. According to the result, he will refer the interested party to a therapist, who will perform the best approach to the case. This will contact the patient and schedule the first teleconsultation.

If you are experiencing symptoms of depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder, such as those listed below, seek help.

Symptoms of depression : may include sadness, self-depreciation, guilt, lack of energy, changes in sleep, appetite or libido.


Anxiety symptoms : may include restlessness or irritability, lack of concentration, accelerated thinking or unwanted thoughts, shortness of breath or rapid breathing, insomnia, excessive worry, dry mouth, fear, nausea, palpitations, feeling of impending or trembling tragedy.


Symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder : may include nightmares or flashbacks, flight from situations that recall the trauma, overreactions to stimuli, anxiety and depressed mood.


The Unified Health System provides care for psychiatric illnesses, in Basic Health Units and Health Posts. However, it is important that you avoid exposing yourself to the virus. Therefore, check beforehand if there are medical services via internet or phone available in your region. The TeleSUS link is an excellent option, available throughout Brazil. If possible, prioritize social distance .


The Psychosocial Care Centers (CAPS) have an open door policy, offering free and universal care, for those looking for psychological help and also for those who want help getting out of alcohol or other drugs. They are centers linked to the Unified Health System. They are present in most cities with more than 20 thousand inhabitants.

Ideas of death, suicide, self-harm, suicide attempts are considered suicidal behaviors. If you are experiencing this, get help!

Dial 188 - The Life Valuation Center (CVV) provides emotional support and suicide prevention, providing free and voluntary assistance to all people who want and need to talk, in complete secrecy by phone, email and chat 24 hours a day.

You can also use the SAMU (dial 192) , as well as emergency rooms at local hospitals, health posts and emergency care units.


Laboratory of Innovation in Psychiatry (LIP)

Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM)

Address: Avenida Roraima, 1000 - Building 67 A -

Educational Actions Coordination - University City

Camobi Neighborhood - Santa Maria - RS

CEP 97105-900 - Phone (55) 3220-9622

2022 COVIDPsiq - Website developed by researchers and maintained through own resources.

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