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- Team | COVIDPsiq
WHO WE ARE We are a research group in Psychiatry at the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), Rio Grande do Sul, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Victor Calegaro. We develop research on the relationship between psychic trauma and mental disorders, resilience and personality. Alessandra Bertolazi UFSM Bruna Fragoso Rodrigues UFSM Cassiana Cherobini Bortolin UFSM Eduardo Nascimento de Andrade Gabriela de Moraes Costa UFSM Julia Kochler UFSM Luiza Fantinel Cirolini UFSM Maurício Scopel Hoffmann UFSM e UFRGS Taís Cristina Favaretto UFRGS Aline Cardoso Siqueira UFSM Caio Brasilio de Jesus Domingues UFSM Clandio Marques UFN Estefânia Corrêa Borela UFSM Giovanna Fais de Azevedo UFSM Lucia Helena Machado Freitas UFRGS Luísa Maciel UFSM Natália Kerber UFSM Vitor Crestani Calegaro UFSM Andrea Feijó de Mello UNIFESP e FICSAE Camila Fath Batistella UFSM Clarissa Tochetto de Oliveira UFSM Fabiane Schott UFSM Gustavo Zoratto UFSM Luciane Maria Both UFRGS Marcelo Feijó de Mello USP e FICSAE Paôla Luedke Lange UFSM Vitor Daniel Picinin UFSM Artur Flores Missau UFSM Carolina Meira Moser UFRGS Cleonice Zatti UFRGS Felipe Barreto Schuch UFSM Isabella Poletto Medeiros UFSM Luis Francisco Lima UFRGS Mariana Apolinario Fernandes UFSM Sigriny Bertão UFSM Bianca Lorenzi Negretto UFSM Carolina Sardo Mendes UFSM César Augusto Neumann Ribeiro UFSM Fernanda Coloniese Dala Costa UFSM Jaroslav Duchnicky Junior USP e UFSM Luiza Elizabete Braun UFSM Mariana Manica Tamiozzo UFSM Simone Hauck UFRGS PARTNER INSTITUTIONS SUPPORT
- Quem somos | COVIDPsiq
WHO WE ARE We are a research group in Psychiatry at the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), Rio Grande do Sul, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Vitor Calegaro. We have developed research on the relationship between psychic trauma and mental disorders, resilience and personality. Contact us Research team OUR STORY The line of research began after the Boate Kiss fire, in which 242 people died and more than 600 were injured. At the Santa Maria University Hospital (HUSM), the Integrated Center for Attention to Victims of Accidents (CIAVA) was created to assist people exposed to the fire, and today serves survivors of other traumas. Since then we have been working on this theme, integrating clinical and research. Among the topics under study, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety disorders, personality traits, resilience and quality of life are included. CIAVA/HUSM RESPONSIBLE RESEARCHER Vitor Crestani Calegaro, MD, PhD Graduated in MEDICINE from the Federal University of Santa Maria (2007). Medical Residency in Psychiatry at the University Hospital of Santa Maria / Federal University of Santa Maria (2013). Master in Health Sciences from the Federal University of Santa Maria (2013). PhD in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2019), with the thesis "The fire of the Kiss nightclub: investigation of the relationship between personality, psychopathology and resilience" . He is an adjunct professor in the Department of Neuropsychiatry at the Federal University of Santa Maria. He coordinates the Psychiatry Clinic of the Integrated Center for Attention to Victims of Accidents (CIAVA), at the University Hospital of Santa Maria. He is supervisor of the Medical Residency Program in Psychotherapy (R4) and preceptor of the Medical Residency in Psychiatry, at the Federal University of Santa Maria. He works as a psychiatrist at the Educational Actions Coordination (CAEd / UFSM) providing assistance to the institution's students, and in a private practice at Clínica Mensana, in Santa Maria - RS. Curriculum lattes: Contact: research team PROPOSING INSTITUTION Department of Neuropsychiatry - CCS Educational Actions Coordination COLLABORATION Want to collaborate with the research? Contact
- Pesquisa | Br | COVIDPsiq
ABOUT COVIDPSIQ The COVIDPsiq survey monitors symptoms of stress, anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress and alcohol consumption in Brazilians during the COVID-19 pandemic. Here you will find a variety of materials, produced based on research, aimed at the general and professional public. PUBLICATIONS Scientific production MEDIA Videos and live streams REPORTS Journalistic content RESILIENCE Strengthen resilience PARTNERSHIPS Researcher network STAY INFORMED COVIDPsiq tem novas etapas 2 de junho de 2022 Refletimos muito a respeito da finalização da coleta de dados em fevereiro de 2021, logo antes do pior momento da pandemia no país. Não poderíamos deixar de coletar informações, sob risco de chegar a conclusões enviesadas. Afinal, a pandemia ainda não terminou. Portanto, decidimos continuar e expandir a pesquisa. A nova etapa iniciará em junho de 2022, e o questionário ficará aberto até 30 de julho de 2022. As novas etapas ocorrerão a cada 6 meses, com questionários abreviados. A continuação da pesquisa foi aprovada pelo Comitê Nacional de Ética em Pesquisa (CONEP). 0f215e4e-69f1-4f2c-bfb8-fe5d04215945 Site de cara nova! 29 de maio de 2022 Trabalhamos muito na pesquisa, nos últimos meses. Temos várias novidades! Por isso, reformulamos o nosso site, para que você encontre todas as informações, facilmente. Navegue à vontade e descubra mais sobre a COVIDPsiq! 067a946f-b597-4f99-9541-ecf416035d23 Inscreva-se em nossa lista de emails e receba atualizações. Email Inscrever Obrigado por se inscrever!
- Projetos | COVIDPsiq
- Partner Research | COVIDPsiq
Partner Research How is your relationship with work? The Covid-19 pandemic scenario and the adoption of restrictive measures tend to impact mental health. These repercussions are targets for analysis by several researchers. So, we invite you to participate in the research “How does the coronavirus (COVID-19) impact your mental health?”, Which is being carried out by a research group from UFRGS, USP, University of Texas and University of Alberta. Questionnaire link How does the coronavirus (COVID-19) impact your mental health? The Covid-19 pandemic scenario and the adoption of restrictive measures tend to impact mental health. These repercussions are targets for analysis by several researchers. So, we invite you to participate in the research “How does the coronavirus (COVID-19) impact your mental health?”, Which is being carried out by a research group from UFRGS, USP, University of Texas and University of Alberta. Health Professionals in Pandemic The context of the pandemic can increase levels of stress, exhaustion and emotional distress in healthcare professionals. By answering this survey, you are helping to identify risk factors. Their participation is essential so that preventive actions can be implemented, in order to reduce the risk of emotional illness. Participate!
- Contact | COVIDPsiq
CONTACT I agree to terms and conditions see terms of use Submit Thanks for sending! Department of Neuropsychiatry Health Sciences Center Federal University of Santa Maria Av. Roraima, 1000 - Building 26 CEP 97105-900 - Santa Maria - RS Tel: (55) 3220-9427
- Próximas etapas | COVIDPsiq
New stages of the COVIDPsiq research This is your About page. It’s a great opportunity to tell your story, what you do, and what your site has to offer. Double-click the text box to start editing your content, and make sure to add any relevant details you want to share. Why? This is a paragraph. Click "Edit Text" or double-click the text box to start editing the content and add the information you want to share with your visitors. What has changed? This is a paragraph. Click "Edit Text" or double-click the text box to edit the content and add the information you want to share with your visitors.
- Guidance | COVIDPsiq
COVIDPSIQ GUIDELINES Mental health promotion booklets The Post Traumatic Violence and Stress Assistance Program (PROVE) produced some videos about the pandemic and mental health, learn more on the website. THE PROVE is an outpatient service of the Department of Psychiatry of the Escola Paulista de Medicina, which is part of the Federal University of São Paulo. It serves children, youth and adults who have developed Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) after an event or experience of extreme violence. It aims to assist people diagnosed with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) in a multidisciplinary way. With brief clinical, psychotherapeutic and psycho-educational follow-up. Aiming at the functional recovery of each individual within their particularities. Click here to access it Handbook for coping with stress in times of a pandemic In the current situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is common to have negative feelings and emotions, such as fear, sadness, anger and loneliness, as well as anxiety and stress. The excess of news about the pandemic, the change in routine, physical distancing, and the economic, social and political consequences related to this new scenario can increase or prolong this emotional discomfort. In that regard, researchers and students of Postgraduate in Psychology gives PUCRS and the PUC-Campinas They joined with the aim of helping people to deal with this emotional discomfort, giving rise to the Task force PsiCOVIDa. The Brazilian Society of Pediatrics has prepared guidelines regarding COVID-19 in children, addressing topics such as: prevention, conduct when someone in the family is infected and how to talk to children about the pandemic. To access the booklet click here. During the suspension of academic and administrative activities, the Federal University of Santa Maria offers several services and tips for students and servers. Topics include study tips, cultural tips, mental health care and distance psychological support. For more information, click here. Collaborating researchers at the Center for Studies and Research in Emergencies and Disasters in Health (Cepedes/Fiocruz) produced three booklets that bring together mental health recommendations in the pandemic: 1) The first document, with general recommendations , warns that, although psychological problems are common in the current situation, not all of them are, in fact, diseases. Therefore, people should be aware: when symptoms persist, suffering is intense and begins to cause profound difficulties in daily life, it is time to seek specialized service and attention. However, it is often possible to prevent the risk of more serious complications through psychological care strategies, which begin by “recognising and accepting their fears and fears” and also include “keeping the socio-affective network active, establishing contact, even if virtual". Access this booklet by clicking here . 2) The second document is aimed at managers and health professionals . The various intervention strategies in mental health and psychosocial care stand out, which can and should be implemented before, during and after the epidemic. Access this booklet by clicking here . 3) The third document addresses children's relationship with the pandemic . “Isolation cannot be configured as an experience of abandonment; therefore, the emphasis on the playful dimension of contacts, providing, whenever possible, some form of play.'' Access this booklet by clicking here.
- Event | COVIDPsiq
Participating Surveys About Recording Network of researchers Exchange of information between scientific studies from different Latin American countries that investigate the impact of the pandemic on the mental health of the population: Âncora 1 COVIDPsiq Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM) Brazil Vitor Crestani Calegaro (UFSM) Curriculum Bianca Lorenzi Negretto (UFSM) Curriculum PARTICIPATING RESEARCH ABOUT THE EVENT The COVIDPsiq Project holds, in partnership with the National University of Mar del Plata (Argentina), the First Latin American Forum on Mental Health in Pandemic . The event is free and will be held on December 3, from 14 to 19 hours, in order to seek the integration of research groups from Latin American countries to discuss the impact of the consequences of pandemic COVID-19 for health population's mental health . The scientific data of the main longitudinal studies in progress will be discussed, with a program that includes round tables with national and international researchers and a forum for debate. Researchers from UFSM, University of Mar del Plata, FURG, UFRGS, Mackenzie and Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile will take part in the Forum. The event will be bilingual , with the possibility of interaction with the public. The Forum is especially aimed at representatives of organizations and institutions, health professionals, undergraduate and graduate students. If you have any questions, please contact us at . Âncora 2 Âncora 3 RECORDING The recording is available on the COVIDPsiq Youtube channel: Covidpsiq channel CERTIFICATION By clicking on the button below, you will be redirected to the institutional website of the Federal University of Santa Maria - UFSM. You must enter your full name in the search box to gain access to your certificate. CERTIFICATION Âncora 4 Annals
- Abuse and violence | COVIDPsiq
COVIDPSIQ GUIDELINES About abuse and violence in quarantine in Brazil MENU If you are experiencing situations of abuse or violence during the pandemic, remember that there are several help channels: Dial 100 - The service can be considered as an “emergency room” for human rights, since it also addresses serious situations of violations that have just occurred or are still in progress, by calling in the competent bodies, allowing the flagrante delicto. Dial 100 receives, analyzes and forwards reports of human rights violations related to the following groups and / or themes: Children and adolescents Old people Disabled people People in restriction of freedom LGBT population Homeless population Ethical or racial discrimination Trafficking in persons Slavery Land and agrarian conflicts Housing and urban conflicts Violence against gypsies, quilombolas, indigenous people and other traditional communities Police violence (including from public security forces within the scope of federal intervention in the state of Rio de Janeiro) Violence against communicators and journalists Violence against migrants and refugees Dial 100 works daily, 24 hours a day, including Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. Military Police (Dial 190) - It is the telephone number of the Military Police that should be called in cases of immediate need or quick help. In that case, a police vehicle will come to the scene. Calls can be made from all over Brazil through toll-free dialing, from any fixed or mobile (mobile) telephone terminal. Call 180 - created by the Secretariat of Policies for Women (SPM). Ligue 180 aims to receive reports of violence, complaints about the services of the women's service network and to guide women about their rights and current legislation, referring them to other services when necessary. Reporting is anonymous and free, available 24 hours a day, nationwide. Cases received by the central are referred to the Public Prosecutor's Office. D isque Covid-UFSM - Welcomes Women Considering the isolation and the impossibility for women to leave home to ask for help in cases of violence, the Disque Covid-UFSM - Acolhidas Mulheres project was created. The service will be carried out remotely, through telephone lines provided by UFSM. Volunteer professionals in the areas of mental health, social work, law and psychology, as well as professionals from the University's Multiprofessional Health Residence will be responsible for listening. We are a family owned and operated business. The service, which has an emergency character, will operate during the isolation period, initially, until June. The opening hours will be from 8 am to noon and from 6 pm to 10 pm, as the demand for occurrences of violence against women is greater at night. We are a family owned and operated business. The available phones are (55) 3220-2020 and (55) 99974-1090. MENU
- Substance use | COVIDPsiq
COVIDPSIQ GUIDELINES HELP WITH ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS If you are having problems with alcohol and other drugs, there are several ways to get free help: Alcoholics Anonymous - A group made up of men and women who share their experiences, strengths and hopes with each other in order to solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. In view of the isolation measures, meetings are being held online, at no cost to participants. Narcotics Anonymous - Narcotics Anonymous is a brotherhood of men and women for whom drugs have become a major problem. They are recovering addicts with the goal of meeting regularly to help each other stay clean. Find a meeting on the website. CAPS AD - is a health unit that provides care to people with disorders resulting from the use of psychoactive substances and also to their families, linked to the Unified Health System. It serves cities and/or regions with at least 70,000 inhabitants.